Quick Filter



In web-interface the lists can be filtered using Quick Filter. This applies to main lists such as Downloads, History and Messages but also to file lists (in download details dialog) and log messages (in download details dialog and in history details dialog). Moreover the filter can be also used on settings page.

For the main lists the filter input box is located at the top of the page: quickfilter

With quick filter the content can be restricted to entries with certain conditions.

Simple filter

The simplest filter is a word. The table is searched for the word and only the entries containing the word are shown. For example filter iso shows entries containing word “iso”. The search is made for sub-strings, “iso” matches also for texts like “isolate”.

Specifying column

To search only in certain column add the name of column to the search string using colon as a separator between column name and search text: name:debian will search only in column “Name”.

AND operator

To search for entries having more than one search word separate the words with space, no special AND-operator is required: debian iso will show entries containing both “debian” and “iso”.

OR operator

To search for entries having ANY of the words separate the words with |, for example debian | ubuntu shows entries with any of these words.

NOT operator

To negate the condition add character - (hyphen) before the search word. For example -iso shows entries without word “iso”.


When searching for both OR and AND conditions use parenthesis to group words. For example (debian | ubuntu) iso filters entries with “iso” and either “debian” or “ubuntu”:

ubuntu 11 10 server amd64 iso
debian 7 iso

Combining operators

All operators can be used in one search query. Examples:

  • (debian | ubuntu) iso
  • (debian | ubuntu) -iso
  • -(debian|ubuntu) iso
  • -(debian|ubuntu) iso -dvd

With column names:

  • (debian | ubuntu) category:iso
  • (debian | ubuntu) -category:iso
  • -(name:debian|name:ubuntu) category:iso

Comparison operators

By default the search is made for sub-strings. However there are other comparison operators. All of them require the specifying of column names:

  • = - exact match is required (yet case insensitive like all other comparisons). For example category=720p matches categories “720p” and “720P” but not “HD - 720p”. The equal-operator is also useful to filter columns with empty values, for example category= shows entries with empty category;
  • <> - not equal. For example category<>720p;
  • >, <, <=, >= - integer comparison operators, to use with integer fields (see below).

Special fields

All columns displayed in tables are searched as is, exactly as they are shown. For example the column “Size” contains formatted texts such as “1.5 GB” or “890 MB”. Searching for size as text isn’t very practical. To make more sophisticated searches such as “show only entries with size between 4 and 8 GB” possible a set of extra integer fields is added to the searchable fields:

  • sizemb, sizegb, leftmb, leftgb - initial and remaining download size in MB or GB;
  • agem, ageh, aged - post age in minutes, hours or days;
  • priority - priority of the download (as integer value). Default priorities are: -100 (very low), -50 (low), 0 (normal), 50 (high), 100 (very high), 900 (force).

These fields are especially useful when combined with integer comparison operators. Examples:

  • sizegb>4 sizegb<8 - shows downloads with size between 4 and 8 GB (alternatively sizegb>=4 sizegb<=8 to include the boundaries);
  • game of kings sizegb>4;
  • (debian|ubuntu) aged>1000.

API fields

In addition to fields displayed in tables and special integer fields mentioned above, there are even more fields which can be used in search strings. Plain fields returned by the relevant API call can be used:

Examples for downloads:

  • dupescore>100 - only downloads with duplicate score above 100;
  • dupekey<> - downloads with non-empty duplicate key (alternatively: -dupekey=);
  • health<1000 - non-healthy downloads.

Examples for history:

  • -(parstatus:success|parstatus:none) - with par-status other than “SUCCESS” or “NONE”;
  • -url= - with non-empty URL.

NOTE: Field “Status” exists in both table and API. The table displays a more user friendly text whereas the API contains more technical version. To search for API field type field name with exact letter case as documented in the API - “Status”. To search for table field use lower letter case “status”; any other letter case form will search in the table too.

Search in settings

When searching in settings the option names, descriptions and values are searched by default. To narrow down the search scope use the following field names:

  • name - for option name;
  • description - for option description text;
  • value - for current option value.


  • name:par - shows options whose names contain word “par”;
  • name:feed name:pause value:yes - shows options with words “feed” and “pause” in their names and value set to “yes”.

TIP: After searching on settings page click on option name to navigate to the page where the option is located.
