Installation on macOS

Versions of macOS supported

Since version 22 NZBGet supports:

  • x86-64 / Intel processors
  • arm / Apple Silicone / M1 processors
  • macOS 10.13 High Sierra and later


NZBGet is nicely packed as Mac OS X application. The installation is simple:

  • download NZBGet from Download page;
  • unpack the downloaded app if it wasn’t unpacked automatically by your browser;
  • start
  • In case you receive a warning that the application cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified, you can launch it this way: Right Mouse click on the application icon -> Open -> Open.


In the web-interface go to settings page and setup at least one news server in section NEWS-SERVERS, save settings, reload (soft-restart) NZBGet and then you can start your downloads.

Post-processing scripts

In the menu (via menu bar icon) choose Show in Finder -> Post-Processing Scripts. Finder shows you the directory where NZBGet looks for post-processing scripts. Put new scripts into this directory. Refresh web-browser, the new scripts should now be shown in web-interface, available for configuration and use.
