API reference

API-method configtemplates


struct[] configtemplates(bool LoadFromDisk)


Returns NZBGet configuration file template and also extracts configuration sections from all post-processing files. This information is for example used by web-interface to build settings page or page Postprocess in download details dialog.


  • LoadFromDisk (bool) - v15.0 true - load templates from disk, false - give templates loaded on program start.



Return value

This method returns array of structures with a field:

  • Template (string) - Content of the configuration template (multiple lines).



Return value

This method returns array of structures with following fields:

  • Name (string) - Post-processing script name. For example videosort/VideoSort.py. This field is empty in the first record, which holds the config template of the program itself.
  • DisplayName (string) - Nice script name ready for displaying. For example VideoSort.
  • PostScript (bool) - true for post-processing scripts.
  • ScanScript (bool) - true for scan scripts.
  • QueueScript (bool) - true for queue scripts.
  • SchedulerScript (bool) - true for scheduler scripts.
  • Template (string) - Content of the configuration template (multiple lines).