API reference

API-method append


int append(
  string NZBFilename, 
  string NZBContent, 
  string Category,
  int Priority, 
  bool AddToTop, 
  bool AddPaused, 
  string DupeKey,
  int DupeScore, 
  string DupeMode, 
  struct[] PPParameters

Add nzb-file or URL to download queue


  • NZBFilename (string) - name of nzb-file (with extension). This parameter can be an empty string if parameter Content contains an URL; in that case the file name is read from http headers. If NZBFilename is provided it must have correct extension (usually .nzb) according to file content. Files without .nzb-extension are not added to queue directly; all files however are sent to scan-scripts.
  • Content (string) - content of nzb-file encoded with Base64 or URL to fetch nzb-file from.
  • Category (string) - category for nzb-file. Can be empty string.
  • Priority (int) - priority for nzb-file. 0 for normal priority, positive values for high priority and negative values for low priority. Downloads with priorities equal to or greater than 900 are downloaded and post-processed even if the program is in paused state (force mode). Default priorities are: -100 (very low), -50 (low), 0 (normal), 50 (high), 100 (very high), 900 (force).
  • AddToTop (bool) - true if the file should be added to the top of the download queue or false if to the end.
  • AddPaused (bool) - true if the file should be added in paused state. DupeKey (string) - duplicate key for nzb-file. See RSS.
  • DupeScore (int) - duplicate score for nzb-file. See RSS.
  • DupeMode (string) - duplicate mode for nzb-file. See RSS.
  • PPParameters (array) - v16.0 post-processing parameters. The array consists of structures with following fields:
    • Name (string) - name of post-processing parameter.
    • Value (string) - value of post-processing parameter.

Return value

Positive number representing NZBID of the queue item. 0 and negative numbers represent error codes. Current version uses only error code 0, newer versions may use other error codes for detailed information about error.


from xmlrpc.client import ServerProxy
from base64 import standard_b64encode

server = ServerProxy("http://nzbget:tegbzn6789@localhost:6789/xmlrpc")
filename = "/tmp/test.nzb"
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
    nzb_content = f.read()
base64_nzb_content = standard_b64encode(nzb_content).decode()
      ("*unpack:", "yes"), 
      ("EMail.py:", "yes")